
things that make me go puke

Friendship often ends in love.......
But love in friendship- never......

(How about unsafe sex? That's bound to end in unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and a whole lotta mess you can do without. Avoid it children. Always use contraceptives.)

Don't marry a person you can live with.....
Marry a person you cannot live without.....

(I say, marry a person you can have sex with as long as you are up to it. But hey, if you can get away with it without getting married, that's double the luck.)

To love is nothing...
To be loved is something...
To love and be loved is everything....

(To love, be loved, and get dirty, now THAT'S something, if ya ask me.)

Kindness in words creates confidence...
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness...
Kindness in giving creates love....

(But I'd prefer cash to kind anyday.)

One word that frees us from all the weight and pain in life.

(And I thought it was 'suicide'. Or 'Prozac'.)

(This here has been reproduced from a mail forward doing rounds during this holiday season. Only half as soppy without the images of children dressed as adults kissing each other on the cheek or giving flowers. And notice the dots, never mind how many, after every sentence, that seem to be the only punctuation the author is familiar with. Fucking lovely. Excuse me... belch.... puke...)

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