"Kill thine mind."
Bellowed the prophet in his trance as the seance came to a shrieking halt.
"Muffle that lying fiend. Put it to sleep eternal."
"For it feeds you naught but lies. Prompts you incessantly to defend yourself against a world of your own making."
"Tells you to survive. Against yourself."
"For you are the original dreamer, the imaginator, the auto-liberator, the master architect, the maker of experiences. You are."
"There is nothing to fear. For these imps are of your own creation. Your own fear, the silent treacherous force that shapes this dream of yours."
"Pure will. Not the creator. Nor the creation. You are."
"Wake up! And leap forth, like a tiger from the depths of your sleep. Spring like a bolt of white flame. Like the tongue of an angry God. And carve a world of you will. Or walk away from it as thou will."
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