‘Appy soppy droppy
Popped any poppy?
Toke ring, smoke ring
‘Ave you been smokin’?
Floating on a slippery stream
Engrassed in yer smoky dream?
‘Avin’ ex tea sea
Inna shack by the see?
‘Alt enter space(d) hash
Ah u must be shorta stash
Lucy in the diamond sky
Might jus’ make you fly
Sail on white dove
Fuck war, make love.
Kind words, thank you! It looks like you had an interesting weekend! This one reminds me of my last trip to gokarna.
Thanks Manish.
I like it.
When nothing makes sense to you, everything looks mysterious yes unambigous
Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway.- J.R.R Tolkien (The Hobbit)
Ostrich, Reshma, you are welcome.
Jugular, Roger, thanx dudes!
Shon, Bhav, huh? :-) And oh, thanx!
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