A wandering rhyme:
Everytime I step down in the spotlight
Would you be my bag o' tricks
Everytime I fall and shatter to pieces
Would you be my personal Quick-fix
A song for Himani:
Jaana suno hum tum pe marte hain...
A song line stuck in my head:
Help me I plea, I don’t understand
Your ways and your means, you smashing young man
(From a song with the same name, By Collective Soul)
saw 'TM?' on my post only now. kinda guessed one day it might just leave you wondering why you never ended up finding out what it really meant. what i was amazed about was the fact that most of them people did figure out what it was. well that only leaves me to believe that they are all a part of it somewhere. m for matrimony. i leave it to you to fig out what t stands for. its not rocket science anymore.
n yup, i am getting geared up to walk down the aisle soonish
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