
this, and that

I'm back. From home, where else. The kid (KitKat) is absolutely rocking, even without his dad (me) there to teach him a trick or two. His gugli-wugli-wush cheek are even heftier, and he much resembles a burmese cat sans fur. I miss him already, and it hasn't even been a whole day.

I have finally understood why Iron Maiden rocks, especially 'Powerslave' (the album). 'The Rime of Ancient Mariner' is so long a song, it could very well be, er, not to use the term too loosely, progressive.

And oh, I love my wife.

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

don't miss her, or him too long. magic is the time you are living through and they make the spell/charm work!!