
hindi poems

In the great longstanding tradition of writing nothing-that-matters-or-is-even-remotely-interesting on this blog of mine, instead using it as a promotional hoarding for my other blogs, most notably- my poem blog 'Random Creatures' (See what I mean?), I would like to tell you what I've been doing lately. It's rather intersting. Well, at least to me.

I've been brushing up on my hindi. It used to be pretty swanky once upon a time y'know. Along came an MBA, and a need to fit in the angrezi-speaking corporate culture. And now, like a yismart yo-yo, or a balmy boomerang, I am swinging back to my roots.

And trying to write in Hindi is a momentous moment along this homeward journey. I am in the doha phase of my re-evolution as a hindi wannabe poet. Check out a sample here. Feel free to criticise. I wouldn't mind a few morsels of praise either, but I leave it to you. More of the same coming your way sooner than you'd like.