
i had sex

Ask me where have I been? Oh, what do you care! Still, ask me where have I been? Go on!

I have been setting up a new firm. Shaggadelic? Yeah baby, yeah. With three other close friends and now, business partners. Two of them are here and here.

So even if you don’t care, wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

All the best M! Look forward to doing some great work together!

~ Arun

Manish Bhatt said...

Thanks, dear Arun. It means a lot to us. We look forward to a team-up as well.

Adi said...

Sir Ji,

Wish you all the best.
Q. what comes next?

Mahesh Bhatt,Vikram Bhatt,_________


PS: Looking forward for "Vatsala" and many more.