MaKat and KitKat have arrived home, safe and healthy (although there's healing to be done for MaKat). And while there's not much to be said on the occasion, 'cos the baby has filled all our thoughts, all our time, including all our waking hours, and most of our (supposedly) sleeping hours too, there's this one thing.
Himani and I, we were strangers when we got married almost 3 years ago. Then we transformed into lovers, a cozy twosome. But now, we can call ourselves a 'family', a word I feel with an intensity I've never felt before.
'Nuff said!
Touching. Very...
About the song recommendation. I thought... And thought... And then thought some more ... And figured I couldn't think of anything to top your choice.
Now the following could have been avoided as I can feel the helplessness of the realization of the inevitability of gravity set in... when the roller coaster of your thought descends down a path that you would rather not traverse... But then, the apple has already left the branch....
I'd say in retrospect I wouldn't be too sad if I got to hear some Chopin, Hendrix, Rush, Mozart and some Big Band in the first few months of my life. Why would I want anything less for KitKatKute.
Sigh! >:D<
Cute.Does wifey read your blog??
Bhavv: Yeah :-)
Anon: Why should you! Suggestions accepted. Must go buy some classical.
WordsWorth: :-) >:D< back atcha!
Elf: Thanx! Nope, she doesn't, but I tell her about it occasionally. She ain't much for browsing y'see.
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